Month: April 2015

My True Calling (April Fool’s)

Over the recent months I’ve been feeling more and more like being a writer may not be my true calling. Any fiction I write comes out boring, and any non-fictional work is just pretentious. I mean, seriously, did you see my post about cheering up last year?  Not only do I lack the ability to captivate an audience, but I lack a fundamental understanding of how the human mind works.

Obviously this has been a very difficult decision for me to make. University has, of course, become redundant, and as such I’ll be dropping it immediately. My uni friends will already have noticed how sleepy I’ve been getting in lectures recently; it’s because I just don’t care. I have a new future ahead of me now, and I’ve been wasting time learning about Shakespeare’s questionable sexuality for too long. Of course, I’ve wasted a lot of money on this course, and that’s bummed me out somewhat, but I’m more happy that I know who I really am now instead of living a lie.

The thing is, for the last half a year or so, I’ve been hitting the gym in secret. And I’m not talking the treadmill here; I’m talking about hardcore weightlifting.

Anyone who knows me may think that’s preposterous, but it’s true. I’ve been hiding my new muscles under the usual loose-fitting jumper; when was the last time you saw me in a T-shirt? And to those who are close to me, surely you’ve noticed that I’ve become somewhat quicker to anger? It’s because I’m motivated to do better, to be better, and sometimes I have off days when I only manage to lift under a hundred kilos. It’s frustrating.

So it’s all well and good that I’ve been hitting the gym, but what’s it all for? Well, ever since I was a child I’ve been interested in the storytelling behind wrestling. Of course, my fictional days are now behind me, but the magic of wrestling still heavily appeals to me. For the last few weeks, I’ve been sneaking out at night to practice at some back-alley wrestling clubs – I know, I know, it’s bad – but I truly can’t help myself. And now that I’ve finally made the leap to give up writing and pursue this career, I can finally come out into the open with this.

I hope you’ll all support me for choosing this path in life. It’s a little different to what many people would expect, I know, but it really is me. I’m sorry if it comes as a shock to you, but I’m the happiest I’ve been in all my life.