A Change of Name

Perpetually Perturbed is a blog name I’ve had in my mind for a few months now, and the only thing that stopped me from using it was the importance of my name coming up on Google. The old name (and new tagline), Kristian Richmond’s Musings and Meanderings, was not only a mouthful but incredibly ham-fisted. The only reason for this was because I wanted anyone who was searching for me (that’s you, future employer!) to be able to find this blog easily as an example of my non fictive writing.

Well anyway, fast forward to today’s somewhat less than mind-blowing seminar about making a WordPress blog. Whilst learning all about how to make a WordPress account, I came to realise that since I have my full name as the domain name for this site, I don’t really need it in the title, too. So I went with the idea that’s been floating in my head for a while, and now the place feels fresh.

There have been and may be more changes to the blog coming soon, depending on what this theme supports and allows me to do. Watch this space! And if you’re ever curious about just what changes I have made, I record all of it on the Changelog page.

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