December – A Month of Ups and Downs

Well, I told myself I was going to be truthful in these monthly blog posts, and December kinda sucked. It’s not all bad news though, and I don’t have much interest in retreading every single thing that’s gone wrong this month. We’ll just touch on the highlights – the disastrous general election won with ignorance and misinformation, and complications with my new little nephew causing a lot of worry. He’ll be fine, but not without help from the NHS. Good thing we’re trusting the Tories with that again.

But I have a nephew now, which is fantastic news! Certainly not all doom and gloom this month. Christmas was a thing, which was enjoyable despite everything. We had my niece over, and it was fun to relive the magic of Christmas through a child’s eyes once again. I also went to see Star Wars Episode IX with my friend Reece, and had a blast. It’s unsurprisingly a divisive movie, and it does have a lot of flaws, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I was also reminded of the importance of sharing creative ideas, after a particularly motivating conversation about our respective story ideas shortly afterwards. I think my biggest flaw as a creative is that I let ideas play out in my head until I get bored of them, without any outside perspectives weighing on or encouraging me to actually make the stuff that’s in my head a reality.

Oh, also, Trump got impeached, which was delightful. For all the good that did.

Touching on the election quickly, as I’ve not said much about it since the results came in. It’s caused me to do a lot of thinking about the nature of people, as well as the dangers of existing in an echo chamber. I have attempted to follow and listen to right-wing people in the past, but I’ve always grown too frustrated by their lack of empathy or ignorance regarding the needs of the common individual. And yet, going into this election, I was actually cautiously optimistic that Labour would actually win, which was clearly not the prevailing sentiment. It was a painful but necessary reminder that no matter how things may look on the surface, there is truly only one way to take the temperature of the general public: the vote itself. And incredibly frustratingly, the majority of people seem to believe biased newspapers and listen to millionaires telling them that it’s a tough old life, but that the reward is muddling through it with what you’ve got. And never mind the climate change, best not to worry about that sort of thing.

Anyway. Political segment over. This month I’ve also finally had the chance to play a Halo game (and I love it), I enjoyed watching the first seasons of The Umbrella Academy and The Witcher, I bought nine (nine!) Switch games with a Christmas gift card, bought myself Planet Zoo and relished in finally returning to a Zoo Tycoon style game, and attempted vlogging again. It did not go well. Oh, and I discovered that I quite like turkish delight.

But hang on, there, Kristian. Never mind the end of the month, it’s the end of the year! Where’s your summary of 2019? It’s the end of the decade, too! Where’s your summary of that? Well, let’s save that for a second blog post. I’ll combine them, probably. And I’ll write it tomorrow, maybe. Last month I said that having all these deadlines was reminiscent of uni, so in true university fashion I’ll be handing in my work on the day of the deadline. What better way to round off the decade?

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