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Year to Year: A Journal Through Time #25 – Big Shrug (10/7/19)

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So we’re at approaching the halfway point for this project (well, perhaps just year one, depending on reception), and I’ve gotta say, it’s hard to keep up. I’m writing this on Wednesday. Wednesday! This was supposed to be every Monday! But, you know, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, a big thing I’ve been dealing with this past week has been drilling it into my head that nothing is as absolute as it seems. Between my two jobs I’ve been feeling a little trapped lately, and then at the start of last week I decided to take action to change that arrangement, and so far things seem to be moving along quite well. And while I’m apprehensive about starting a new routine in my life, I’m reminding myself that if there’s issues with it, I can just… change it up again. Hopefully that’s something which future Kristian has kept in mind.

Speaking of future Kristian, I’ve realised I don’t bring him up that often anymore. The original idea for this journal was to not only relay what’s going on in my head at this point in my life, but also to speculate about the future and open some fun back-and-forth pseudo-dialogue between me and the version of me which will be reading this when it publishes. I refuse to read any of these posts before they do publish, by the way, so I can maximise the potential of this letters-to-myself-through-time idea I’ve got going on.

Changing tracks a bit… over on my Youtube channel this week, I decided to spend some time putting together a different style of edited video which required a little more effort, such as going out and filming areas in a videogame and acquiring the appropriate soundtracks for those areas to put in the video. Being rather pleased with the finished product, I decided to do what I normally don’t, and advertise the video. I advertised it on reddit, on the subreddit for the game, and despite getting over a hundred views out of it, it was ultimately a mistake. I got 3 dislikes, and was initially saddened that these people – who obviously hadn’t watched past the first minute based on analytics – decided to take the effort to tell the world my content was bad without saying a word as to why. A little naive of me to expect thoughtful critique from strangers on the internet, sure, but rational thought didn’t help this.

So… I whinged on Twitter about it. And then when I went to look at it later, it had 19 dislikes. And… I was relieved! I was relieved because I realised that they weren’t real ratings. They were ratings from trolls who search for particular phrases to prey on people they feel they can get a rise out of. And for now I’ve simply disabled ratings and stopped talking about it, so they don’t get the satisfaction, but in future Kristian’s time they’ll be long gone. What I’m instead focusing on is the support I’ve had from friends and the odd stranger based on my dumb video, and I think it’s inspired me to just… make more. But not post it to reddit. Big mistake.

In fact, I’m considering just ditching reddit entirely, but that’s a whole other blog post.

Further reading

The 10 Best Zones in World of Warcraft

The Weekly Deathmatch #64 – DUSKWORLD – A Compendium of Stray Thoughts