new blog

Third Time’s The Charm!

Hey you! Did you know that I’ve been trying to write stories my entire life? I’ve even created two separate blogs aimed at writing short stories in the past and immediately failed to keep up with them!

For the full story on this, as well as my new short story blog which is absolutely going to stick this time, you can check it out right here.

The aim is to write a new short story every single month. I’m not aiming to get myself noticed, or published, or become a worldwide superstar or anything of the sort. I’m writing for the love of it, and to get myself into the habit of doing so. I already have a 4,500 word long first draft of May’s short story in my Drive, which will go up after I’ve donned my editing hat and had a whittle. If short stories of mine are something which interests you, go give the page a follow!

A New Challenger Approaches!

For quite a while now I’ve been toying with the idea of making a blog dedicated to video games, and today I’ve done just that. Well, I’ve written my first post, anyway. At the moment there still remains a lot of tweaking to be done – the theme is far from final, there’s a plethora of pages to produce – but it’s ready for reading, if not full viewing.

To visit the gaming blog, 32 Bit Brain, you can either click the link there or, in future, the new link on the header.

I hope you enjoy reading it! I don’t know if I’ll post there more or less or the same amount as here; we’ll just have to see where this goes.