Year to Year: A Journal Through Time #14 – Quantifiable Magic (22/4/19)

Recent headlines

World: Extinction Rebellion: Climate change protesters at Natural History Museum

Gaming: Steam Users Flood Assassin’s Creed Unity With Positive Reviews Following Ubisoft’s Notre-Dame Efforts

We’re two episodes into the last season of Game of Thrones from my perspective, and I think I’ve decided that it’s my favourite fantasy universe. This sounds like an easy opinion due to its overwhelming popularity, but remember that I’m a fantasy enthusiast who has sunk literally thousands of hours into World of Warcraft over the years. I always thought Warcraft was my favourite fantasy, but the more I experience the World of Ice and Fire, the more I come to respect how little magic is used. It’s never used overtly in the show, barring the existence of dragons and the undead, and that allows power struggles and grand battles to be more relatable, whereas magic in Warcraft is less quantifiable and therefore harder to measure in a fight. The latest expansion’s war campaign sees players enacting magical strategies and countermeasures to turn the tide of battle, and I can’t help but feel that the ability to fling goblin shredders into void elf black holes is nonsensical in a story which emphasises a need for a naval advantage. If I ever do write a fantasy novel, I’ll try to bear this in mind.

I’ve just had a week off, so I don’t have all that much to discuss, bar the works of fiction I’ve been absorbed in. As an introvert, I typically don’t go out much, even when I’ve booked time off, and sometimes I get a little self conscious about that. The truth is, though, that I’m perfectly happy sat at my PC, maybe gaming with friends, maybe binging a series. This week I caught up on World of Warcraft while listening to podcasts. I also had a friend over so I could show them Labo VR, and went to my sister’s for Easter. It was pretty chill! It’s just not the kind of thing you can stretch out for 600 words. Let’s meet back here next week, okay?

Further reading:

The Weekly Deathmatch #52 – Overwatch – A Year of WDM in Hindsight

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