
April – The Month of Getting Used To It

Coronavirus still has the globe in its depressing grip, and lockdown is still in full effect. That being said, as a key worker, it’s interesting to note how little my life has changed, as I already did a lot of my socialising online. I actually consider myself fairly lucky in these respects; I was off work around the time that this all started, and the two necessary trips I made out during that time were riddled with anxiety and an eeriness regarding the changed state of the world. As a retail worker, however, who’s in the shop five to six days a week, the new state of the world has normalised itself in my brain, and while I’m taking every step to remain healthy as seriously as ever, I no longer look out the window and feel fear.

From the comfort of my own home, then, activities I’ve pursued outside the usual sphere of hobbies has included – as you may have seen – writing a three part blog series about my favourite soundtracks across all of gaming, movies and TV, among other media. This was brought about after completing one of those Facebook challenge things where I outlined ten of my most influential albums; I wondered if there was any room for soundtracks, and when there wasn’t resolved to appreciate them in my own rambling way.

Also this month, Zach Braff and Donald Faison launched their Scrubs rewatch podcast Fake Doctors, Real Friends. Scrubs is one of my favourite shows ever made, and their podcast could not have been better timed given the events currently unfolding today. It’s hilarious and fascinating and at times poignant, and it’s inspired me creatively to be less hesitant to start projects out of a fear of failure, too. In short, if you love Scrubs, you need to hear this podcast.

Now, let’s see what last year’s Kristian was up to in his version of April.

A Journal Through Time #11

This was when I started adding the Recent Headlines and Further Reading sections to give a better idea of what was unfolding in the world at that time. It was a neat idea in concept, but ultimately was more effort than it was worth and was probably a factor in what lead to me eventually giving up on the project.

In this entry I pretty much just got annoyed at redditors for being redditors. Also of note is that I still haven’t seen Shazam or Hellboy, which are two movies I cited as points of anticipation in this blog post.

A Journal Through Time #12

This entry was all about me having a renewed appreciation for my physical health, which is rather eerie timing given what’s going on in the world today. A friend of mine had just opened up to me about some dark times they’d been through regarding health, and I can safely say that even if Coronavirus wasn’t a thing right now, it’s something that would still be in the back of my mind, especially now that we have a family friend going through some very long hospital stints of their own.

A Journal Through Time #13

The entry where I discovered just how effective of a natural high doing acts of kindness can be. There’s sure as shit plenty of room for that in today’s world. Check in with your elders, folks.

A Journal Through Time #14

This was a short one, but it’s an argument for shorter entries in that it succinctly reflects a very important thought process I had regarding the use of magic in a fantasy world, and the consequences of not setting boundaries.


My Emotional Rollercoaster | Scrubs Rewatch / Review

I’ve decided to start reviewing the shows I watch when I finish them, and I may extend this to books and movies as well. These reviews won’t necessarily be a critical evaluation so much as a personal opinion, but I’ll try to take objective flaws into account.

These posts will also contain some spoilers, so in order to avoid spoiling anything for those who are simply scrolling past, these posts will exist as unlisted pages, linked to only in blog posts like this one.

Here is the link to my review of Scrubs. Specifically, my thoughts on it after rewatching the entire series.